The Science Department pedagogical framework aims to instil the joy of learning Science and use the scientific knowledge they acquire to guide Crestans make better decisions in life.
Science in Crest is a two-year journey with a customised modular curriculum focusing on topics that best equip Crestans with the knowledge and skills relevant to their daily lives and future careers. Students with aspirations to further their study in Science have the option of taking the subject in upper secondary.
Our Science Curriculum is designed to educate Crestans through real-life applications of scientific theories, packed with hands-on activities, and learning journeys. Even assessments are made authentic by including practical elements, on top of paper and pen tests.
Learning Journeys

Students went to Straits Agriculture to learn about the need for sustainable food and how farms in Singapore work to ensure food sustainability.

Students went to Yakult Factory to see how Yakult uses technology to facilitate food processing and to learn more about the impact of good bacteria on their health.
Ice-cream Making in Secondary One (Hands-on Activity)

Students learn about the ingredients that make up ice cream and the nutrients in these ingredients. They also apply their learning in calories counting and learn to make good decision on how often to enjoy their treats while maintaining a healthy diet!
Save Humpty Dumpty in Secondary Two (Hands-on Activity)

Students learn that gravitational force pulls objects to the centre of the earth, hence objects drop in the air appear to fall towards the ground. In this hands-on task, they were to drop an egg in mid-air. Prior to that, they work in teams to build an egg protection suit to prevent a dropping egg from breaking!
Active Beautiful Clean (ABC) Water Trail in Secondary One (Learning Journey)

Students apply what they learn about Solutions and Suspensions and Water
Pollution when they go on Learning journeys such as ABC (Active Beautiful
Clean) Water Trail. Through the activities, they develop an appreciation
of Singapore’s biodiversity and its efforts in maintaining water cleanliness.
Green Building Trail in Secondary Two (Learning Trail)

Students follow a learning trail to learn how electricity and water are used in a school, check metre readings to calculate various components of our monthly utilities consumption. From the experience, students learn the importance of saving electricity and water.