Voices of our Alumni
Voices of our Alumni

I used to be very shy and introverted, but Crest has helped me to step out of my comfort zone and be the confident person I am today. Through the four years in Crest, I have learnt to be more resilient and not give up when I face challenges. Without Crest, I would not be who I am today.
Dayang Nur Indah Bte Mohamad Zaidi (Class of 2018)

Crest has given me many opportunities to grow and I had many new experiences in Crest. The most memorable one was my first overseas trip with the school. It was my first time on an airplane and away from home without my parents. I learnt to be independent and work with others to achieve a common goal through this trip. The teachers in Crest are also very supportive. They constantly encouraged me not to give up and gave me practical advice to put my problems aside so that I can focus on my studies.
Siti Nur Qaidah Hutabarat Karel Julianus
(Class of 2017)

I have many fond memories in Crest, especially the time spent with my teachers. I feel at ease when I talk to them and I can even crack jokes around them. I hope to be like my teachers, to be that positive influence to my juniors. That is why I volunteered to come back during the Secondary 1 orientation to help out.
Muhammad Aqil Bin Kamsani (Class of 2018)

Why did you join Crest Alumni?
I am proud to be a part of Crest Alumni and that is why I came back to help as a guide during the Crest Open House. The two other activities that I enjoyed most as an alumnus are the Alumni Appreciation Dinner and Secondary 1 orientation programme where I had the opportunity to interact with my juniors and catch up with old friends.
Eric Liang Zhen Hui (Class of 2017)

I am proud to be a part of Crest Alumni and that is why I came back to help as a guide during the Crest Open House. The two other activities that I enjoyed most as an alumnus are the Alumni Appreciation Dinner and Secondary 1 orientation programme where I had the opportunity to interact with my juniors and catch up with old friends.
Shafiqah (Class of 2017)